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Module Search Path

Module Search Path in Python for Programmers

The module search path is a list of directories that the Python interpreter searches for modules when an import statement is encountered. It is important for programmers to be aware of the module search path in order to properly use modules in their projects.

What is the Module Search Path?

The module search path is a list of directories that the Python interpreter searches for modules when an import statement is encountered. It is a list of strings separated by semicolons, where each string is a directory. When an import statement is encountered, the interpreter will search each directory in the module search path, starting from the beginning of the list and working its way down, until it finds the module with the specified name. This search path can be modified by changing the value of the sys.path variable.

How to Access the Module Search Path?

The module search path can be accessed and modified using the sys.path variable. This variable is a list of strings, where each string is a directory. The following example shows how to access and print the module search path:

import sys


Examples of Module Search Paths

The following are some examples of common module search paths:

  • The directory containing the script being run
  • PYTHONPATH (a list of directories specified by the environment variable PYTHONPATH)
  • The installation-dependent default module search path

Tips for Using the Module Search Path

  • Be aware of the module search path when using modules. When importing a module, make sure that the module is in the module search path.
  • It is possible to modify the module search path by changing the value of the sys.path variable.
  • Be sure to use the sys.path.append() or sys.path.insert() functions when modifying the module search path, as this will ensure that the path is properly updated.