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Understanding Action Results

Understanding Action Results in Asp.Net Core Web API

Action results in Asp.Net Core Web API are the most important part of a controller method. They determine the type of response that is sent back to the client that made the request. Action results are objects that implement the IActionResult interface, and they are used to represent the outcome of an action.

Types of Action Results

Action results in Asp.Net Core Web API come in several different types. Each type of action result provides a different type of response to the client. Here is a list of the most common action results:

  • OkObjectResult - This action result is used to return an object to the client.

  • NotFoundResult - This action result is used to indicate that the requested resource was not found.

  • BadRequestResult - This action result is used to return a bad request error to the client.

  • CreatedResult - This action result is used to indicate that the requested resource was successfully created.

  • NoContentResult - This action result is used to indicate that the request was successful but no content was returned.

Examples of Action Results

Here is an example of how to use the OkObjectResult action result in an Asp.Net Core Web API controller:

public IActionResult GetUser(int id)
var user = _context.Users.Find(id);
if(user == null)
return NotFound();
return Ok(user);

In the example above, we are using the OkObjectResult action result to return the requested user object to the client. If the requested user is not found, we return a NotFoundResult action result instead.

Tips for Using Action Results

Here are some tips for using action results in your Asp.Net Core Web API controllers:

  • Make sure to always return an action result from your controller methods. This will ensure that the client receives a meaningful response.

  • Try to use the most specific action result possible. This will make your code more readable and maintainable.

  • If you are returning an object, use the OkObjectResult action result. This will ensure that the client receives the object in the expected format.

  • If you are returning an error, use the appropriate error action result. This will ensure that the client receives the error in the expected format.

  • If you are returning a successful response but no content, use the NoContentResult action result. This will ensure that the client knows that the request was successful but no content was returned.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your Asp.Net Core Web API controllers are using action results correctly.